Payroll Services


Efficient payroll services: Save time and money
No more cash withdrawals or cheque issuance required
Ensure smooth cash flow and prompt salary disbursement
Secure payroll management
Eliminating cash handling and cheque distribution
Product Feature
Currency USD KHR
Minimum ongoing balance USD 5.00 KHR 20,000.00
Interest rate Saving Interest Rate
Withdrawal conditions Unlimited withdrawals in cash or non-cash are allowed at any time and in any amount.
Replenishment Unlimited deposit replenishments in cash or non-cash are allowed at any time and in any amount.
Payroll processing fee USD 0.20 per transaction of each staff after expiration of the signed contract KHR 800 per transaction of each staff
Debit Cart /ATM Free for 01 year or up to 03 years , renewal after promotion will be charged 3$/Year
Tax All interests earned are subject to withholding tax of 4% (Based on GDT of Cambodia)
  • Account is operated with "SAVING Account" and ATM Card. (delivery within 3 working days)
  • Free 01 year for service on payroll or up to 03 years.
  • Free 01 year or up to 03 years on ATM Cards.
  • Free Passbook
  • Free Mobile Banking
  • Free Certified Account Balance (12 months)
Doc for Opening A/C

At Client Site:

  • ID Card
  • Company ID Card
  • Customer Signed on the opening account Form
Mandatory’s A/C Requirement

Chief Bank’s Site

  • To fulfill A/C opening and compliance.

Form / File
  1. Payroll Instruction Letter:
    Consent to authorize the bank to withdraw from company account (S/A, C/A ) in order to transfer to S/A of each payroll account.
  2. Payroll Service Agreement:
    (Agreement Between Client and Chief Bank)
  3. Excel Standard File upload:
    to be completed by client and will send to the bank for transferring to their staff accounts.
    (The file is required to send to the bank one day in advance before transferring to each staff account).

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