個人 |
- 借款人及擔保人(如有)柬埔寨身分證或護照
- 戶口簿副本
- 僱傭合約(如有)
- 最近 6 個月入息證明(如有)
- 僱主發出的入息證明(如有)
- 最近 12 個月收入及支出表
- 貸款戶口及合同(如有)
- 最近 12 個月銀行結單(活期儲蓄及/或往來戶口) (如有)
- 擬用作抵押的房地產之地契/房產證副本
- 房地產買賣合同(如有)
- 房地產的估值報告(如有)
- 借款人背景資料(如有)
- 所擁有的房地產清單,及其相關地契/房產證房地產清單(如有)
- 出租房地產清單,及其相關租約(如有)
- 其他(如有)
Company |
- Memorandum and Articles of Association
- Certification of Incorporation, Business License, Patent Tax License (of relevant year).
- Certificate of Identification of the Representative (Chairman of Board of Directors) (ID Card, Copy of Passport, etc.)
- Certificate of Identification of the Applicant (ID Card, Copy of Passport, etc.)
- Financial Statement for the period of last three(3) years;
- Current situation of the business and business plan;
- Certificate of Required Fund (sales contract, etc.
- Documents evidencing the income; and other necessary documents.
- Loan account and agreement, if any
- Bank account statement for the past 12 months (Saving and / or Current) if any
- Photostat of tittle deeds of property(ies) to be mortgaged
- Valuation Report of the property(ies),if any
- List of property(ies) owned together with tittle deed or Letter of ownership